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(来源: Catholic Schools Diocese of Joliet)

Benefits of a Catholic Education

了解更多. 超越科学教学, 技术, and many other advanced and core courses, our gifted teachers also lead meaningful and open classroom discussions about faith, 道德, 和天主教精神, providing your child with an early opportunity to explore things about the world and themselves not found in secular textbooks and mandated lesson plans.

被当作独立的个体对待. Since many of our schools begin in pre-kindergarten and progress through 8th grade, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的老师 and staff are uniquely positioned to proactively assess, refine and enhance your child's individual development day-after-day and year-after-year for as many as eleven consecutive years, leading to an unparalleled understanding of your child and their unique needs.

做出正确的选择. While 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的老师 and staff work very hard to prepare your child to excel academically, they are equally focused on instilling Catholic valuses into their young hearts and minds so that when faced with a difficult decision outside the classroom, your child has the character to make the right choice, based on the teachings of Christ, no matter what their friends or anyone else might say.

改变世界. 从本森维尔到坎卡基, 从克里特岛到普莱诺, our schools empower your child with the knowledge, 自信, and moral compass to become leaders in high school and beyond, changing and bettring their communities and their world one idea, 一个人, and one conversation at a time.

师从名师. 专家, 热情无私, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的老师 personally invest themselves in the success of your child, seeing them as not just another student, but rather as someone's beloved son or daughter who is deserving of all the individual attention, undivided love and thoughtful encouragement necessary to reach their full, 难得的潜力.

发现你的才能. Whether you believe your child to be the next Lincoln or Sandberg, 费米或可重复的, Butkus或Banks, 伯纳丁或卡布里尼, our schools offer a growing and diverse collection of clubs, sports and activities to suit nearly any budding interest or blossoming young passion, making it possible for your child to safely discover their talents, and maybe even surprise themselves-and you-in the process.

超越你的同龄人. Methodically prepared by their teachers and lovingly supported by mothers, 父亲, and family members who saw Catholic education as a sensible investment in their future, our former students consistently achieve ahead of their peers in the high schools and colleges of their choice, with many earning valuable scholarships worth tens of thousands of dollars.

属于更大的东西. 当你的孩子学得更多, 塑造性格, 改变世界, 发现他们的才能, they will also begin to find new meaning in life through the structured beliefs and moral foundation of the Catholic Church, and to understand that they now belong to something begger-and infinitely higher-than themselves.

Core Values in a Catholic Education

Our Catholic core values unite us, from the office to the farthest corners of the playground. In the labs, on the playing field, in the lunch line and in the classroom . . . this is who we are and why we are here.

Incorporating 信仰 Into the Classroom. Our schools incorporate Catholic spirituality into every aspect of their curriculum, reinforcing to students that their personal faith, centered on the Eucharist and the sacraments, remains relevant regardless of the course they might be studying or the situation in which they might find themselves.

Balancing Challenging Courses with a Nurturing Environment. Our caring teachers balance high expectations for each boy or girl with a genuine respect and love for that student, recognizing always that each child is unique and therefore ever-deservinig of indiviualized attention and one-on-one focus.

与家庭合作. Understanding that many parents work, and some may even work mutiple jobs, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的老师 and school leadership do their best to maintain proactive, candid and open communication with each student's family, because learning doesn't stop at the edge of the schoolyard, 它也不是开始的地方.

Holding Each Other to a Higher Standard. 受福音启发, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的老师, staff and school leadership hold one another to a higher standard of professionalism, morals and ethics both in and out of the classroom, believing one of our primary roles is to provide an example for our school communities of faithful Christian witness.

展望未来. As tomorrow’s innovations promise to leapfrog today's technologies, our local school leaders are continually looking ahead to ensure their schools' learning resources, teaching approaches and classroom tools stay abreast of new ideas and best practices as they plan for the long-term success that will benefit students and teachers alike.

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